“Happy Feralia!” “What? It’s President’s Day, not…whatever you said.” “No, Dale, it’s Feralia. Through the marvels of time travel, you are speaking with Marcus, a first-century Roman. Today, February 21, is Feralia throughout the Roman Empire.”
“Marcus, what’s whatever you call today?” “It’s Feralia, the day when all good Romans carry gifts to the tombs of our family ancestors. Tonight at midnight, we’ll place wreaths of flowers, sprinkle grain, salt, and bread soaked in wine at the tomb of our deceased parents, grandparents, and all who have gone to Hades. I, Marcus, the pater familiae, will preside at our family’s tomb.”
“Marcus, I can’t imagine. Explain, please.” “Dale, historically, February was the last month of the year.” “Huh?” “No, think about it. Sept- in September means seven; oct- in October means eight; and so on. The names of the months don't match up in your calendar. We Romans close out the year in February by appeasing the dead, making good with them for whatever we did wrong. We sacrifice to them so that they will favor us and intercede for us with all the gods.”
“Marcus, I’m thankful I live in my time. We have something called “All Saints Day,” but it’s a day when we remember all those who died believing in Jesus and will be with Him in heaven. We don’t live in fear of how ghosts might hurt us.” “Jesus? Is that the Jewish rabbi who is gaining a following throughout the Empire, even in our capital city of Rome? We hear that he was crucified but came back to life. Is that the guy you in your time believe in?
“Yes, Marcus. We don’t believe our ancestors are mediators for us with the gods. Jesus is the one mediator between us and God. Marcus, only one God, who made us, will judge us, and because of Jesus will take us to heaven, not to the shades of Hades, a place none of you want to go.”
“Hmmm… I’ll have to think about that. Just understand this. If you lived in the Roman Empire, today is Feralia. Tomorrow will be Caristia. Can’t wait to tell you about it.”
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