“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Jesus teaches us to pray that because we are sinners. Your outward conduct may be OK but our thoughts and heart conceal sin. We pray that God will forgive us for Jesus’ sake.
How would it read if Americans had authored this prayer? It wouldn’t be directed to “Our Father who art in heaven” but instead to other people, “You, please forgive me my trespasses so that I can go and do whatever it is I want to do.” And the American prayer would continue, “I won’t necessarily forgive those who trespass against me. I want to hang onto your guilt as a club I can use against you whenever I want.”
But Jesus teaches, “I earned forgiveness for you even though you don’t deserve forgiveness. So I ask you to share My forgiveness with others. I’m not saying you should condone the wrong that was done to you. I’m not saying that we should not pursue justice. I am saying, don’t let the person who wronged you keep emotional control over your life. Forgive as I have forgiven you. Forgiving the person who wronged you will bring you freedom; forgiveness breaks the emotional hold they have over you.”
Well, that’s what He teaches. Do you follow Him as your Lord?