How is it with you and Jesus?
A leper goes to Jesus, that’s the Bible story many of us will hear on Sunday morning, Mark chapter one. A leper goes to Jesus and asks to be healed. It was wrong on many counts, at least by the rules of that time. Lepers were outcasts, not supposed to approach “normal” people. No bother to this leper. This untouchable crosses the line, kneels right before Jesus and says, “If you are willing, You can make me clean.” Do you cross the lines to go to Jesus? Busy schedules crowd out prayer time, media and peers fill our minds with everything but Jesus, and we easily discount Him because we cannot see Him. How is it with you and Jesus?
“And Jesus, moved with compassion, put out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” “O Savior of our fallen race!” The clean touches the unclean, the Son of God touches a hurting brother, hurting sister. Is it healing you most desire…or Jesus? Isn’t it enough to be with Him on life’s journey, to hear His word, to know He has compassion for you, whether you’re healed now or later? How is it with you and Jesus?