Hi, Christian here! Know what? Opa had a birthday last week. We went to his house. We took some black balloons. Why black? We gave Opa two books. Mommy picked out one book. It was a big book called “Prefaces by Martin Luther.” I don’t know if Opa will really like that book. It has no pictures. I picked out the other book. It’s called “365 Children’s Prayers.” I like that book and have one just like it.
One prayer says, “Dear God, Thank You that You love children. Thank you that Yours is a very special love; You love us even more than a father loves his own children, because You made us and we belong to You.” One prayer was written by a boy ten-years-old! “Dear God, I like birthdays even when they are not my own, because everyone is happy. I like giving people presents. At Christmas what do You celebrate most – Your birthday or Christmas?” I like these prayers. And this book has pictures.
I’ve heard people talking about Roe versus Wade. I don’t know what that’s about. All I know is that I like birthdays, Opa’s birthday and especially my birthday. I’m so glad I was born!