I took the last two weeks off, no new Meyer Minutes, little Seminary work. I tried to rest, to read, to think, to pull myself out of the frantic daily pace. While I did the Sabbath rest thing, I assumed you could handle things while I was out. So what did you do? Among other things, passed the debt ceiling to secure our financial worthiness but the stock market tanked. America's credit rating was downgraded for the first time ever. Duh!
While I was looking out at peaceful Lake Michigan, the Washington Post sensed things were going south in my absence. So they conducted a poll and asked, "In general, when the government in Washington decides to solve economic problems, how much confidence do you have that the problem will actually be solved: a lot, some, just a little, or none at all." 73% are not confident.
It's a critical time in America but not a bad time. We are talking about our financial stewardship. We are realizing that leadership is easier said than done. We are getting our entitlement mentality shaken. In the Old Testament God raised up leaders, called Judges, when Israel feared for it's future. Let's all take some down time to think about America's problems and pray for leaders.